Thursday, November 15, 2012

**Refashion**The big ole' frumpy wrap dress and the not so cute cardi...

Happy Thursday lovelies! :)

Well, today has been a day full of creating, refashioning, sewing, and playing around with my kids and now I'M BEAT!

I truly believe that being a stay at home mom is more work than being a working mom! At the end of the day I want to curl up with a good book and a blanket until I fall asleep (then get more smoochies from my baby girls and the hubby)! I'm so thankful for my hubby, he puts the kids to sleep!

Anyhooooooooooo....finally, I'm ready to post a refashion tutorial!!! Yay! This makes me happy....there's nothing better than finding clothes in your closet that you don't wear anymore and making something really cute and fun out of them!!!!

So here goes...please bear with me, the photos are terrible, we don't have a lot of space or cute places outside for a photo shoot! On top of that I have to wait for the hubby to get home for pics and ummmmm, its cold outside, hopefully my tripod arrives soon!!!!

So my sis in love, gave me a wrap dress that was HUGE on me, but I knew it had potenial...I love the color and thought I could make something really cute out of it.  I really love the wrap skirts like this one but to be honest, I really didn't want to buy or add another pattern to my stash so I did this...

 Start off with your dress!
  1. Take your big ole' frumpy dress and cut the skirt portion off, you can sew the top down or leave it as is ( I did)---lazy :) It has elastic so its perfect, you don't have to fool with adding elastic! Yay!
  2. Your's should look something like this...hang on to the top part, were going to do something cute with that later. ;o)
  3. Make alterations to the skirt portion here if needed.  I needed to take in about an inch on each side, I used a ruler and tailor's chalk to mark it. 

  1. Sew a seam down the side,be sure to stretch your fabric on the sides and make sure that your fabric is not ...trim excess fabric or leave it if its not that much.
  2. **Optional** The slit on my dress opened from top to bottom and I don't like that, so I sewed it shut all the way down, just follow the stitching that's already there.
  3. And THAT'S IT!!! You have a very easy, peasy wrap skirt! Now go find a dress that you don't wear anymore and make one!!!



I bought this cardigan when I was pregnant with my youngest, I bought an XL and it was huge on! I couldn't seem to get rid of it, I love the print, so I did a little goes!

Taking in your cardi....
  1. Try your cardi on and decide how much you want to take in on each side...Turn your cardi inside out and lay it the amount you want to get rid of, do this to both sides.  Make sure your pinning around the curve from the end of the sleeve all the way around to the bottom of the skirt.
  2. Sew a straight stitch all the way around on both sides.  Once you're done, trim the excess fabric.

On to the sleeves....

  1.  Try your cardi on again and figure out where you want your sleeves to end...Fold your cardi in half, shoulders touching and sleeves together.  Use tailor's chalk or a fabric pen to mark where you want to cut.
  2. Cut your sleeves, then cut the ends of your sleeves...
  3. Take the ends and pin them to the ends of your new sleeves right sides facing, make sure to line up the raw edges, you don't want to sew the wrong end of the bottom of the sleeve... ( hope that makes sense :))
  4. Sew the bottoms of your sleeves on with  about a 1/4 seam allowance, you can serge the ends or leave them and iron them down, they will stretch once you put it on.

That's it, now wear your cute outfit!!! Easy, Peasy HUH!!!

***Oh and, I told you we would do something cute with the top of the dress right.... well I made a cute infinity scarf! Really easy, just sew the armholes shut and the ends, place the ends together and make a big circle, wrap it around your neck a couple of times, and that's it, a complete outfit from an ole' frumpy wrap dress and a not so cute cardi!!!***

Here's some pics...

---Please comment and let me know what you think, I'm new to blogging and tutorials, need clarification? Let me know....

Complete outfit refashioned/Shoes-Limelight (Rack Room Shoes)


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